All Badges
262 Badges found
Module 1: Understanding the social factors which may impact on children’s outcomes in the early years
This badge is awarded to Early learning and childcare (ELC) professionals in Scotland who have worked through Module 1: Understanding the…
Module 2: Supporting parents to further engage in their child’s development
This badge is awarded to ELC professionals in Scotland who have worked through Module 2: Supporting parents to further engage in their…
Module 3: Supporting the development and progression of children’s early language and literacy
This badge is awarded to ELC professionals in Scotland who have worked through Module 3: Supporting the development and progression of…
Module 6: Building confidence in identifying and responding to additional support needs
This badge is awarded to ELC professionals in Scotland who have worked through Module 6: Building confidence in identifying and responding…
Module 7: National STEM CPL Module
This badge is awarded to ELC professionals in Scotland who have worked through Module 7: National STEM CPL Module and provided evidence of…
Supporting Unpaid Carers
This badge is awarded to those who have completed the module 'Supporting Unpaid Carers' on the NHS for Scotland’s platform, Turas and…
Including Unpaid Carers
This badge is awarded to those who have completed the module 'Including Unpaid Carers' on the NHS for Scotland’s platform, Turas and…
Identifying Unpaid Carers
This badge is awarded to those who have completed the module 'Identifying Unpaid Carers' on the NHS for Scotland’s platform, Turas and…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 1: What is technology enabled care?
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete - Thing 1: What is technology enabled care? of the SSSC 23…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 2: Communication, assessment, intervention
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete - Thing 2: Communication, assessment, intervention of the SSSC…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 3: Supporting people to use technology
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete Thing 3 - Supporting people to use technology of the SSSC 23…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 4: Accessibility
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete Thing 4: Accessibility of the SSSC 23 Things Technology…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 5: Risk assessment
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete Thing 5: Risk Assessment of the SSSC 23 Things Technology…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 6: Telecare and Telehealthcare
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete Thing 6: Telecare and Telehealthcare of the SSSC 23 Things…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 7: Supporting the learning of others
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete Thing 7: Supporting the learning of others of the SSSC 23…
SSSC 23 Things TEC – Thing 8: Accessing further assistance
This Open Badge is awarded to social service workers in Scotland who complete Thing 8: How to access further assistance of the SSSC 23…