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262 Badges found
Leadership Thing 18 – Appreciative inquiry

Appreciative inquiry is a way of looking at organisational change that focuses on doing more of what is already working. So instead of…

Leadership Thing 17 – What is action learning?

Action Learning brings together small groups of people to develop solutions to real issues from the workplace, can encourage creative…

Leadership Thing 16 – What is coaching?

Coaching is an empowering way of supporting people to reach their potential. Using coaching skills in social services can develop your own…

Leadership Thing 15 – What is supervision?

Supervision has a vital role to play in supporting and developing all social work and social services staff. …

Leadership Thing 14 – Resilience and my self-leadership

Scotland’s social services need effective leadership at all levels of the workforce and everyone has a leadership role to play, whatever…

Leadership Thing 13 – The impact I have on others

Scotland’s social services need effective leadership at all levels of the workforce and everyone has a leadership role to play.…

Leadership Thing 12 – Challenging oppressive practice

Scotland’s social services need effective leadership at all levels of the workforce and everyone has a leadership role to play. …

Leadership Thing 11 – The six leadership capabilities

As a social service worker, the way that you exercise leadership will involve a range of skills, attitudes, values and behaviours and draw…

Leadership Thing 10 – Collaborating and influencing

As a social service worker your leadership will often be apparent in how you work in partnership with people who use your service, as well…

Leadership Thing 9 – Creativity and innovation

In your day-to-day practice you may find you are in a good position to see how things could be done differently and better. Being creative…

Leadership Thing 8 – Empowering leadership

Through your day-to-day practice you may find you have opportunities to empower others.

Leadership Thing 7 – Motivating and inspiring others.

Through your day-to-day practice you can motivate and inspire other people in many ways.

Leadership Thing 6 – What does self-leadership mean for me?

Self-leadership is about recognising your own leadership skills and abilities, and taking responsibility for using and developing these. The…

Leadership Thing 5 – How do I show vision as a leader?

Vision for social service workers means thinking about such questions as: …

Leadership Thing 4 – Others’ view of my leadership

360 degree assessment is a process in which you rate your own leadership performance, and ask people who know you well in a work capacity to…

Leadership Thing 3 – My leadership style

The purpose of reflecting on leadership is to gain a better understanding of yourself (your values, knowledge and skills), so you can learn…