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Leadership Thing 22 – Why leadership is important
The first leadership strategy for social services in Scotland’s was published in 2013, informed by the evaluation of the Changing Lives policy from 2006 and the Leading Together research commissioned in 2010. Significant changes and challenges in the sector following that led to development of a revised strategy called Enhancing leadership capability.
The first leadership strategy for social services in Scotland’s was published in 2013, informed by the evaluation of the Changing Lives policy from 2006 and the Leading Together research commissioned in 2010. Significant changes and challenges in the sector following that led to development of a revised strategy called Enhancing leadership capability.
To earn this badge you must:
- work through Thing 22 of 23 Things Leadership
- write at least 400 words, reflecting on leadership activities that would help you or your team/service to meet each of the four objectives of the leadership strategy. What you submit should include examples of how each activity would make a difference to people experiencing your service.
Before you submit applications and evidence for any of the 23 Things Leadership open badges, it is recommended that you achieve these two open badges first:
Getting started with Open Badges
Writing evidence for Open Badge applications
You may also find it helpful to complete Things 1-4 before starting Thing 22.
Write at least 400 words, reflecting on leadership activities that would help you or your team/service to meet each of the four objectives of the leadership strategy. What you submit should include examples of how each activity would make a difference to people experiencing your service.
Badge issuer
Scottish Social Services Council
Promoting high standards, raising public confidence and developing a trained and trusted social service workforce in Scotland.
Submit your application
I confirm that I have read, understood and completed all the activities listed in the badge criteria and that each question from the criteria is answered in the evidence I have provided. My evidence has been written or recorded by me and I have not copied it from anywhere or anyone else. I understand that it will take 28 days for you to assess my application and that feedback cannot be provided if my application is unsuccessful.