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AC/AHSCP Professional Identity 2021
This badge will support learners to understand the ethical principles which underpin professional practice and how they can support development of their own professional identity in the context of collaborative working.
This badge aims to support learners to understand the unique contribution of social work to collaborative working. It considers the ethical principles which underpin professional social work practice: social justice; respecting diversity; human rights and dignity; self-determination; partnership, participation and co-production; and honesty and integrity. These principles are embedded in the Health and Social Care Standards for service users and the SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers; and should be evidenced in meeting the Benchmark Standards for NQSWs.
This badge also considers the meaning of professional identity and ways in which practitioners can promote their social work identity and professional development. This contributes to the thematic badge “Collaborative Working”.
This badge will help a NQSW evidence their progression towards the following standards:
Standard 1 – Developing confidence and competence in the process of assessment using critical thinking skills and analysis to inform professional judgement and decision making.
Standard 2 – Collaborate effectively with service users and others to plan, implement and evaluate interventions.
Standard 3 – Positively promoting the wellbeing, support and protection of children and adults at risk of harm.
Standard 4 -Developing competence and confidence in the professional Social Work role and in managing complexity in professional decision making, drawing on research, evidence and best practice.
Standard 5 – Demonstrating the habits of a practitioner-researcher through routine continuous learning and enquiry with which to encourage and support the learning of self and others.
Standard 6 – Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to the wellbeing of self and others.
Read the SSSCCodesofPractice2016 the ethical principles and complete the Health & Social Care Standards open badge (this links to the Legislation, Policy and Practice badge) |
Listen to the podcast “Building the future: shaping our social work identity” by Susan Taylor, past president of Social Work Scotland. 31.05.18 https://soundcloud.com/iriss-fm/203-leadership-and-professional-identity. (22 minutes) |
Attend the reflective discussion in protected time or have a discussion with a relevant person about social work identity |
Complete the Health and Social Care Standards – Basics Open Badge
Have a discussion with your team manager or mentor about an ethical dilemma involving professional identity in a specific case you are working with. Evidence your reflection and your decision making rationale. |
Evidence how you have articulated and promoted your social work role and identity to others. |
Upload a copy/ photograph an action plan you develop to support the development of your own professional social work identity. This should link to the activities in the criteria and wider resources and be shared with your mentor and team manager. |
Badge issuer
These badges are issued jointly by Angus Council and Angus Health and Social Care Partnership.
Submit your application
I confirm that I have read, understood and completed all the activities listed in the badge criteria and that each question from the criteria is answered in the evidence I have provided. My evidence has been written or recorded by me and I have not copied it from anywhere or anyone else. I understand that it will take 28 days for you to assess my application and that feedback cannot be provided if my application is unsuccessful.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge