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Leadership: Storytelling
Storytelling is a way of reflecting on what we do in our work and is a means of sharing practice experiences and supporting others to learn and develop. It invites the listener to think of new and imaginative ways of working and can increase the confidence and self-esteem of those telling their stories.
Sharing examples of how you use your leadership skills in your everyday practice is a way of reflecting on what you do in your work and the difference you make. Telling a story about your practice can increase your confidence and self-esteem and it invites the listener to think of how they might use new and imaginative ways of working in their own role.
Leadership skills and how you use these in your practice can mean any one of the following:
- how you motivate and inspire others
- how you lead yourself
- how you empower others
- how you are creative and innovative
- how you collaborate with and influence others
- how you have a vision for how things could be better.
To earn this badge you will need to:
- share your example of your leadership practice
- tell us about what you learned from telling your leadership story, including any new resources you learned about
- tell us how this will support your leadership development
- tell us what you learned from any feedback and response to your story.
Please note, this activity is about telling your own leadership story, what you have learned from telling it and how it has affected others — it should not be an account of how, for example, you told a story to children in a day care setting.
None. This badge does not require you to hold any other badges.
You can:
- include your anonymised example of practice, whether this was prepared as a powerpoint presentation, video, written story or in another format and/or
- provide a statement, of a minimum of 200 words, about what you learned from sharing your leadership practice example and how you will use this to support your leadership development.
If you want to use a blog or ePortfolio entry as evidence, you might find our guide to preparing and publishing your evidence useful. We will also accept short audio or video statements if you prefer these formats.
Remember, the evidence you provide will be viewable by anyone who you show your badge to. Please don’t include confidential or private information within your statements.
Badge issuer
Scottish Social Services Council

Our work means the people of Scotland can count on social work, social care and children and young people services being provided by a trusted, skilled, confident and valued workforce.
Submit your application
The SSSC Open Badge system relies on trust. We trust that the evidence you provide will be of your own work and based on your own skills and knowledge. By submitting an application you agree to the following statement: “In studying and completing the activities for this badge, I confirm that all the work provided as evidence will be my own.” The SSSC will revoke a badge if the evidence provided is discovered to have been the work of someone else.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge