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Health and Social Care Standards: Basics
This badge is available to people who demonstrate a basic awareness of the Health and Social Care Standards.
The Health and Social Care Standards set out what we should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. They seek to provide better outcomes for everyone and to ensure that individuals are treated with respect and dignity and that the basic human rights we are all entitled to are upheld.
These Standards are for everyone. Irrespective of age or ability, everyone is entitled to the same high quality care and support.
The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland will take into account the Standards when regulating and inspecting registered care services. They will also be taken into account by these scrutiny bodies for their joint strategic inspections of services for children and adults, which cover non-registered services. Healthcare Improvement Scotland will use the Standards in carrying out its quality assurance function within the NHS.
To achieve this Open Badge you will need to:
- either watch the animation about the Health and Social Care Standards above or take part in a session about them in your workplace
- download or obtain a copy of the Health and Social Care Standards
- tell us about three things you learned from the presentation or session and why this is important to you (150 words minimum)
- tell us why the standards are important to people who use your service (75 words minimum)
- tell us about at least one thing you will do to make people aware of Health and Social Care Standards. (25 words minimum).
We will decline applications that do not provide enough evidence showing how you have met these criteria.
None. You do not need to hold any other badges before you can apply for this one. However, Writing evidence for Open Badge applications is recommended.
You will need to submit a written statement, of at least 250 words in response to the questions asked in the criteria. You can write your statement directly on the badge application form or paste a link to your own blog or portfolio.
We will also accept short audio or video statements if you prefer these formats.
Remember, anyone who you show your badge to can see the evidence you provide. Please don’t include confidential or private information in your statements.
Read Preparing and publishing your evidence to find out more about what’s required and increase your chances of getting your badge approved first time.
Badge issuer
Health and Social Care Standards

The Health and Social Care Standards set out what we should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland.
Submit your application
Terms and conditions
1. I have read, understood and completed all activities listed in the badge criteria. The evidence I have provided answers each question from the criteria.
2. I confirm that the evidence I have submitted is free from personally identifiable information of others. Nobody can be identified, directly or indirectly, from any examples I provide.
3. I wrote or recorded my evidence and I have not copied it from anywhere else. The core content, ideas and examples are my own original work. I agree that I will only use AI tools under the rules outlined by the SSSC, and if I do so, I will explicitly declare this use in my submission and provide a valid link to the chat history for the assessor to review.
4. I give consent for the SSSC and the people I share this badge with to use plagiarism and AI detection tools to validate the authenticity of the evidence I have submitted.
5. I understand that it may take up to 28 days to assess my application and that feedback cannot always be provided if it is unsuccessful.