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Confident Conversations about Technology – learning event sign up
This open badge is automatically awarded to delegates who sign up to the Confident Conversations about Technology national learning programme.
With more than 90,000 people living with dementia across Scotland, it is essential that professionals have a range of useful information and approaches to help support people and their families and carers.
Through the Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care fund, Alzheimer Scotland has developed a national learning programme that provides realistic support and practical resources on how to support someone with dementia consider technological solutions.
Support, assistance and guidance will be offered from the Technology Team throughout the duration of the programme.
Click on the links below to read the programme information. If you have any questions regarding the programme then please do not hesitate to get in touch [email protected]
To earn this badge you will need to:
- Sign up to one of the events across Scotland via an Eventbrite link
- Complete the pre-event questionnaire here – this should take no longer than 2 minutes and is vital for our own learning and evaluation
- Read the Contact day outline and read the information below to ensure you have a full comprehension of what is expected of you throughout the programme – this should take no longer than 5 minutes
- The expectation is that you are already at ‘Skilled Level’ of the Promoting Excellence Framework with regards to your knowledge and skills around Dementia
- This programme carries with it an active participation element – engaging in discussion and posing questions during the contact day, 3 month online discussion forum using Knowledge Hub (amounting to about 10-12 hours in total) and the final virtual delivery sessions on Attend Anywhere (1-2 hours).
- It is vital delegates engage with the whole learning programme and its associated platforms to gain access to the full range of digital resources and support – allowing you to stay up to date and informed of current and future information regarding technology and dementia.
Please sign up to these today!
- Familiarise yourself with the following policy, strategy and supporting materials – they will be mentioned throughout the programme:
- The Technology Charter
- Dementia & Technology Leaflet
- Promoting Excellence Framework
- Please click on the following links containing ‘Informed’ level videos if you wish to refresh your learning:
- Other National Policy & Strategy you should be aware of:
- Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy Proposal 2016-2019
- Standards of Care for Dementia in Scotland
- Charter of Rights
- Further badges can be earned as you progress throughout the programme – these will be detailed during the initial contact day
- There is an expectation that delegates take responsibility for their own learning and contributions in order to be awarded open badges
None. This badge does not require you to hold any other badges
Please upload the Eventbrite PDF as evidence that you have confirmation of a place on the programme. This will be coupled with the receipt of the completed pre-event questionnaire in order to gain this badge.
Badge issuer
Alzheimer Scotland

Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia organisation in Scotland. We campaign for the rights of the 90,000 people living with dementia and their families and provide an extensive range of innovative and personalised support services.
Submit your application
The SSSC Open Badge system relies on trust. We trust that the evidence you provide will be of your own work and based on your own skills and knowledge. By submitting an application you agree to the following statement: “In studying and completing the activities for this badge, I confirm that all the work provided as evidence will be my own.” The SSSC will revoke a badge if the evidence provided is discovered to have been the work of someone else.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge