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Confident Conversations about Technology – roadshow workshops
This open badge is awarded to delegates who attended and participated in the Confident Conversations about Technology - half day local workshops.
Alzheimer Scotland is offering free ½ day interactive workshops for practitioners throughout 2018. These sessions are fully funded by the Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care (TEC) programme.
Confident Conversations about Technology is a national and local learning programme designed by Alzheimer Scotland and the learning is evidenced through the SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council) Open Badges system. Click here to learn more about open badges –
The learning is intended to raise awareness of developments in technology and to support the acquiring of new skills and knowledge, enabling you to confidently embed conversations about technology into your portfolio of support. You will leave with the digital tools and access to online resources necessary to make a successful, realistic change where you are.
- designed for people who work alongside and have frequent conversations with people living with dementia and families and carers
- to inform and enable practitioners to support people living with dementia,their families and carers when considering technology products and digital services as part of a wider care and support plan
Attendees will –
- get practical and hands on with technology
- hear from people living with dementia actively and effectively using technology and digital solutions to their care and support
- get a national perspective on developments in policy and innovation and be able to see how this is working in a local context (relevant to them)
- continue their learning and development journey online following the event, with access to resources and support from the Tech Team at Alzheimer Scotland
If you have any questions please contact us on [email protected]
Please visit to find out more about The Technology Team at Alzheimer Scotland and read about the work we are currently involved with.
To earn this badge you will need to:
- write a 100-200 word reflective piece into the text box below on what you have learnt from the day e.g. new knowledge and skills gained, impact on practice or anything you may now do differently
- answer the following questions in the text box below – your opinions matter and will help us shape future events so taking the time to complete this is very important to us…
- What did you like about the learning workshop?
- What did you not like about the learning workshop?
- Any other comments which will help us to develop the learning programme?
There are no prerequisites for this open badge.
Please complete your reflective account and feedback in the box below –
Reflections on the workshop…
What did you like about the learning workshop?
What did you not like about the learning workshop?
Any other comments which will help us to develop the learning programme?
Badge issuer
Alzheimer Scotland

Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia organisation in Scotland. We campaign for the rights of the 90,000 people living with dementia and their families and provide an extensive range of innovative and personalised support services.
Submit your application
I confirm that I have read, understood and completed all the activities listed in the badge criteria and that each question from the criteria is answered in the evidence I have provided. My evidence has been written or recorded by me and I have not copied it from anywhere or anyone else. I understand that it will take 28 days for you to assess my application and that feedback cannot be provided if my application is unsuccessful.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge