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AC/AHSCP Audit 2022
This badge forms part of the pathway of learning for newly qualified social workers in Angus and will contribute to the Evidence Informed Practice Milestone badge. This badge provides the learner with resources and activities to support recognition of what constitutes evidence of good practice and informed decision making through a review of individual service user case files.
Case files should contain relevant information including a rationale for the current intervention in the life of an individual; the views of the individual and a clear plan to address the reasons for this intervention with an associated timescale. Reading through a case file should provide an understanding of the presenting issues, approaches used, information gathering activities, assessment tools used and analysis and decision making that has informed any care plan/ risk management plan.
To earn this badge, newly qualified social workers will be given a case file to audit and provide feedback to their manager on the strengths, gaps and learning points which may be of benefit to the wider team.
This is one of 3 badges that together form the Evidence Informed Practice Milestone Badge.
This badge links to all the practice standards for newly qualified workers and particularly with:
Standard 1. Developing confidence and competence in the process of assessment using critical thinking skills and analysis to inform professional judgement and decision making.
Standard 4. Developing competence and confidence in the professional social work role and in managing complexity in professional decision making; drawing on research, evidence and best practice.
Standard 5. Demonstrating the habits of a practitioner-researcher through routine continuous learning and enquiry with which to encourage and support the learning of self and others
Listen to Duncan Helm (2011) making sense of assessment (39.43 mins). This resource includes accompanying slides. The recording is part of the contemporary issues in child protection seminar series however is relevant to all areas of social work
Refer to Collins, E. & Daly, E. (2011) Decision making and social work in Scotland: The role of evidence and practice wisdom
Find out about an audit tool used in your team/ service area
Complete an audit of a peer or mentor’s case file or take part in a single or multi-agency planned audit
Share findings with a peer, mentor or manager
Upload evidence of your notes from the audit
Upload evidence of how you shared findings with a peer, mentor or manager
Complete the Reflective Evaluation template for children’s services which can be found in the files section in NQSW 2022 channel
Badge issuer
These badges are issued jointly by Angus Council and Angus Health and Social Care Partnership.
Submit your application
I confirm that I have read, understood and completed all the activities listed in the badge criteria and that each question from the criteria is answered in the evidence I have provided. My evidence has been written or recorded by me and I have not copied it from anywhere or anyone else. I understand that it will take 28 days for you to assess my application and that feedback cannot be provided if my application is unsuccessful.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge