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1. SSSC MyLearning and Learning Zone orientation
This badge is awarded to people who complete the orientation tutorial for SSSC MyLearning and SSSC Learning Zone platforms. By earning this badge, they demonstrate an understanding of how these services can support Continuous Professional Learning (CPL).
Getting started with your Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) might feel overwhelming at first. Where do you find learning resources? How do you keep track of what you’ve learned? How can you show others what you’ve achieved?
The SSSC has created two digital platforms to help answer these questions – the Learning Zone and MyLearning. These services work together to support your professional development journey, but it’s important to understand how to use them effectively.
You can earn this badge by watching our 15-minute orientation video that walks you through both platforms. The video will show you where to find learning resources, how to plan and track your learning, and ways to gain recognition for your achievements. After watching, you’ll understand how these tools can make managing your CPL easier and more effective.
Whether you’re new to the social services sector or an experienced practitioner, this orientation will help you make the most of the digital learning tools available to you.
You can download a handout with the slides and notes from the presentation. There is also an audio described version of the video.
To achieve this badge, you must:
- watch the 15-minute orientation video introducing the SSSC MyLearning and SSSC Learning Zone platforms
- in your own words, explain the difference between the SSSC Learning Zone and MyLearning platforms (25 words minimum)
- tell us how you will use these services to assist with your CPL requirement (125 words minimum)
- think of a feature we don’t offer that you think will be helpful and tell us about it. (Optional)
The total word count for your evidence submission should not exceed 500 words.
Your application will be returned to you with a request for further evidence if it does not meet all the above criteria or is unclear which of these questions you are answering within your evidence.
There are no prerequisites for this badge. It is open to anyone interested in learning about SSSC’s digital learning platforms.
You will need to submit a written statement of at least 150 but no more than 500 words in response to the questions asked in the criteria. You can write your responses directly on the badge application form or paste a link to your own blog or portfolio.
When preparing your evidence, consider the following guidance:
Explaining the difference between platforms (25 words minimum)
- Focus on the main purpose of each platform.
- Highlight key distinctive features.
- Consider how they complement each other.
Using the services for CPL (125 words minimum)
- Describe specific ways you plan to use each platform.
- Consider both immediate and long-term usage.
- Think about how these tools will fit into your learning routine.
- Reflect on how they will help you meet your CPL requirements.
Optional feature suggestion
- Consider gaps in what we offer.
- Think about what would make the platforms more useful for you.
- Explain how your suggested feature would benefit others like you.
We will also accept an audio or video submission if you prefer.
The evidence you submit will be viewable by anyone who you show your badge to. Do not include confidential or private information within your submission.
Badge issuer
Scottish Social Services Council

Our work means the people of Scotland can count on social work, social care and children and young people services being provided by a trusted, skilled, confident and valued workforce.
Submit your application
Terms and conditions
1. I have read, understood and completed all activities listed in the badge criteria. The evidence I have provided answers each question from the criteria.
2. I confirm that the evidence I have submitted is free from personally identifiable information of others. Nobody can be identified, directly or indirectly, from any examples I provide.
3. I wrote or recorded my evidence, and I have not copied it from anywhere else. The core content, ideas and examples are my own original work. I agree that I will only use AI tools under the rules outlined by the SSSC, and if I do so, I will explicitly declare this use in my submission and provide a valid link to the chat history for the assessor to review.
4. I give consent for the SSSC and the people I share this badge with to use plagiarism and AI detection tools to validate the authenticity of the evidence I have submitted.
5. I understand that it may take up to 28 days to assess my application and that feedback cannot always be provided if it is unsuccessful.
Your evidence, name, and email address will be sent to the organisation who issue this badge